miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Next May 20 , all the people who practice skate are going to get together in Viña del Mar . We are bored of all the false promises of this famous skatepark . We need you all in San Martin street , with skateboards and placards . All of us are going to skate along San Martin and Av Peru ,interrupting the traffic . Please come , this depends on us . They are playing with us and we are tired . All ages are accepted , we are waiting yo to come .
                                                                                                           Los sargazos 1515 dep 122
                                                                                                               Reñaca, Viña del Mar

Major Virginia Reginato
Viña del Mar

14 May 2014

Dear Miss Reginato ,

This letter is representing all the skaters of our region . Along time ago you told us about this enormous project of this skate-park in Sausalito , we count on you , but you fail us.

This city is surrounded by pro skaters , that the only thing that they want to do is continue their career of skating , but they dont have place . The people in the streets are bored of skaters , they said that we destroy things and we bother the people , but its no our problem to dont have place to practice this sport. You promise us that this will be complete in the summer , and we are in winter and its not done yet. Apart of this sport they are to many diferent sports that people practice , and they are not places to do it . You say that Viña is called "City of Sports" , why you dont count all of this underrated sports.

Please finish this commitment , this is a beautiful sport and you will do a favor to all of us .
I hope you read this.


Eduardo Buzeta