domingo, 30 de junio de 2013


On these days, there have been many cases of teenagers using alcohol. We can help them to prevent this use.

To prevent alcohol use we have many pictures and multimedia tha can help teenagers to make a good decision.

The family is the model to follow for each teenager, because they are the ones who educate there pupils. The parents have a very important role on this case.

Teenagers drink alcohol mainly because they are in a age of curiosity. There is also another fact that gives access to teenagers to drink alcohol. This fact is that people who sale alcohol, don’t measure the age of the people who by that licor.

Our goals for this proposal is to show people (teenagers) how to prevent alcohol use and that it is there responsibility to have a good life, or a life with alcohol interfering.

There are many possible problems accompanying alcohol, such as the loss of many lives of teenagers and even older people. All these accidents are caused because of the effect of alcohol. This is why we want to evoid unnecessary accidents o even lives, by stirring up our classmates with this topic.

We hope to finally give a message to every person who sees our work. And we hope that every person that will drink, to think it twice before making that decision. And I personally would like it if every SAYS NO TO ALCOHOL.

200 words

(200 words)

 I think drinking alcohol is a social activity ,most people drink with friends. Because alcohol makes people with more personality , they feel more at ease socializing after a drink. People also drink just because other people are drinking. For many people, it feels good to be doing what everybody else is doing. But drinking just because everybody else is can lead to problems, especially if people are drinking too much many people enjoy the taste of alcoholic beverages. And when consumed by adults in small to moderate amounts, especially with meals.
Alcohol begin at any time in someone's life. But starting to drink when you are a teenager increases the risk for addiction. About half of U.S. teens who start drinking alcohol before age 14 will be addicted to it at some point.
In Conclusion the teenagers are in tha hands of the parents , they lead the way to the good or the bad. You dont want that your sons take that risk , so you need to be the model to follow of your daughter.

jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Maculet and Isla Posters

This work was pretty decent and I liked it. It didnt had so many letters, which made it simple. The pictures were a bit misplaced but  did make sense with the poster. One grammar mistake which was brutal, but in general it was good. It has a good presentation, good colors, nice pictures and organized. 
This work from Roberto Isla was pretty good in general. It had some grammar mistakes,it was a little bit disrupted and the labels were a little bit out of context. But looking at the bright side, it was very startling and it does call the viewer atention. Some good combined colors and big letters make it shine in front of the others.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Alcohol in Teenagers

Choose a normal way of life, not alcohol.

Alcohol is very addictive.

Drink healthier and make a good desicion.

Alcohol lowers your physical condition.

Alcohol makes you spend money unconsciously.

You can drink better products besides alcohol.

Alcohol can "burn you down".

Alcohol can kill you, like a knife.

Alcohol lowers your studies and kills your neurons.

have a healthy feeding, wich will make you a better life.

Alcohol can bring you to accidents.

Alcohol can leave you without money.

Alcohol can lead you to drugs.

You can finish in the streets with the use of alcohol.

life is better with moderate drinking alco

martes, 18 de junio de 2013


Alcohol In Teenagers

Alcohol is the number one abused substance by teenagers in United States
"underage drinkers accounts for 11,4% of all the alcohol consumed in the United States"

8th Graders were the youngest people surveyed and the oldest were 12th graders according to this page

The 8th graders 51.7%have tried alcohol and 12th graders 80%have tried alcohol.

Alcohol is the most frequently used drug by teenagers in the United States
Effects of alcohol use in teens they are

·less concentration
·increases the teen dating fight
·homicides and many similar things

The teens who abuse alcohol have problems in their past , most of their parents separated. And the same with the adults , they produce fights with the family and they arrive to separate.
 The common consequences of teen alcohol is the driving accidents