martes, 18 de junio de 2013


Alcohol In Teenagers

Alcohol is the number one abused substance by teenagers in United States
"underage drinkers accounts for 11,4% of all the alcohol consumed in the United States"

8th Graders were the youngest people surveyed and the oldest were 12th graders according to this page

The 8th graders 51.7%have tried alcohol and 12th graders 80%have tried alcohol.

Alcohol is the most frequently used drug by teenagers in the United States
Effects of alcohol use in teens they are

·less concentration
·increases the teen dating fight
·homicides and many similar things

The teens who abuse alcohol have problems in their past , most of their parents separated. And the same with the adults , they produce fights with the family and they arrive to separate.
 The common consequences of teen alcohol is the driving accidents

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